Introducing Metonymy Press and a Special Open Call for Submissions of Queer, Feminist, and Social Justice Writing

Avis à tous les auteurs en herbe!!
Voici un appel à textes d'une nouvelle maison d'édition de Montréal promouvant la littérature LGBT 🙂 Alors je pense que c'est plutôt en anglais, mais j'ai envoyé un petit email pour demander si les textes en français étaient acceptés aussi. Je vous tiens au courant.
L'article ci-dessous est en anglais, vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate pour traduire.
Bon weekend!

Introducing Metonymy Press and a Special Open Call for Submissions of Queer, Feminist, and Social Justice WritingCasey the Canadian Lesbrarian

This is a special post where I introduce you to a newish Canadian press and get you writers out there excited about a special open call for submissions! Metonymy is a Montreal-based press that publishes literary fiction and nonfiction by emerging writers. In their words: "We try to reduce barriers to publishing for authors whose perspectives are underrepresented in order to produce quality materials relevant to queer, feminist, and social justice communities." Recently two of their books-Small Beautyby jia qing wilson-yang and Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars: A Dangerous Trans Girl's Confabulous Memoirby Kai Cheng Thom-have been nominated for Lambda Awards!

Introducing Metonymy Press and a Special Open Call for Submissions of Queer, Feminist, and Social Justice Writing

"Gay^ Book Lovers Unite: Call for submissions" is an open call for creative fiction and non-fiction submissions ending April 14 th. A jury of fabulous writers, Gwen Benaway, Helen Chau Bradley, jia qing wilson-yang, and Kama La Mackerel, will be reading the...

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Introducing Metonymy Press Special Open Call Submissions Queer, Feminist, Social Justice Writing