Confessions #4 ~ The Princess, the Prick & the Priest ~ Ella Frank (lecture en VO)

Par Jessy @ParadisDLivres

Confessions: The Princess, The Prick, and The Priest, le grand final de la série MMM Confessions d'Ella Frank est désormais disponible !

Ce livre, il me tardait de le lire. Il faut dire que ce final est particulier. C'est celui d'un trio hors norme. La Princesse, du Prick et du Priest. Et la première chose que j'ai à dire c'est que ce fut l'un de ces remarquables moments qui restera gravé à jamais dans mon cœur.

Mais avant d'aller plus loin, il me faut vous faire un petit aveux. Avant même de commencer ma lecture, je savais que cette dernière rencontre allait être un moment doux-amer. Mais vous savez quoi ? Peu importe ! Car pour rien au monde, je ne changerai quoi que ce soit !

Que de chemins parcourus pour la Princesse, le Prick & le Priest ! Il est vrai que leur relation est unique dans son genre. De plusau vue de leur personnalité si diamétralement opposée et leur propre vécu, on aurait pu croire que cela ne fonctionnerait jamais. Et pourtant, ces trois spécimens chauds comme la braise vont brillamment vous prouver tout le contraire... Qu'ils se complètent en tout point mais surtout que leur amour est pur et sincère. Rien n'est plus important pour eux que leurs hommes. Et rien ni personne ne pourra les séparer car ils sont prêts à tout pour le bonheur de chacun d'entre eux !

En bref... Ella Frank clôture comme il se doit sa sublimissime saga. J'irai même jusqu'à dire que c'est la meilleure façon de dire au revoir à ces trois remarquables hommes. Que d'émotions pendant cette lecture à couper le souffle ! Je n'aurai pu imaginer de meilleure fin... Si je devais définir ce petit diamant à l'état brut en un seul mot, ça serait juste : PARFAIT ! Confessions est l'un des meilleurs contes de fées que j'ai pu lire... et j'espère que beaucoup d'entre vous se laisseront tenter...

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"LOVERS, I'M HOME," Robbie Bianchi called out to his boyfriends, as he juggled several shopping bags in one hand and kicked the front door shut behind him. He stuffed his car keys into the pocket of his shorts, and as he evened out what he was carrying, he took the stairs that led him up to the first floor of their new home. With the same smile on his face that he'd left with that morning, Robbie headed across the hardwood floors past the dining room, and into the kitchen, where he spotted a note waiting for him: Robbie grinned at the messy crown drawn above the Dressed in tight, black, barely there swim shorts that left little-"Julien chuckled as Robbie walked alongside him. ""Oh, yes," Robbie said, and bent down to brush a kiss across Julien's lips. "
We're upstairs, princesse. Come find us when you get home.
i in princesse, but then quickly did as he was told. With one hand on the steel rail, he took the stairs two at a time, and as he reached the second floor where the bedroom was located, he walked inside to find it empty except for the fish swimming around the tank that lined the wall facing their bed.
Dropping his shopping bags on the end of the mattress, Robbie headed up to the final floor, where he knew his men were waiting for him. He opened up the glass door that led to the penthouse deck, and when he stepped outside and the warm rays washed over him, Robbie took in a breath of fresh air.
Ah, he'd always loved summer. Everything about it. The sun, the smell of the freshly cut grass, and the clothes-or lack thereof-Robbie thought, as he reached for the edge of his white tank top and drew it over his head.
As he tucked it into the back of his shorts, Robbie scanned the wide deck, his eyes roaming over the wooden slat floor, the hot tub over in the corner, and the glistening water of the lap pool surrounded by the potted greenery bordering their rooftop oasis.
This space had been the final selling point with all three of them when they'd made the decision to leave the condo after what had happened there with Jimmy. It was the perfect place for Julien to relax and do his yoga, for Priest, who loved a good soak to clear his mind, and for Robbie, for whom it was all about the calm he got from finally seeing his men happy and at peace. And that was exactly how he found one of them right now. There, stretched out on one of the sun loungers, was the brand-new reason that Robbie loved summer-an almost-naked Julien Thornton.
As Robbie walked to the end of the lounger, his eyes roamed up Julien's toned legs to his muscular thighs, and ended at the bulge that tight material was cupping like a glove.
okay, nothing-to the imagination, the only other thing Julien was wearing was a pair of Aviator sunglasses. His rich, olive-colored skin was glistening with water droplets as he lay sprawled out with his hands behind his head, and oh my God was he a feast for the eyes. Oh yes, this was hands down the best part about summer now, and luckily for Robbie and Priest, tanning was a favorite pastime of their seriously sexy Frenchman.
"One second, please. I'm concentrating here,"Robbie said, his gaze trailing up all he could see to finally land on Julien's face. "Now, sorry, what were you saying?"
Bonjour, princesse." Julien's honey-toned voice wrapped around Robbie, informing him that he'd been caught staring. But he didn't care-not one little bit.
Robbie went to straighten, but before he got too far away, Julien took hold of the back of his neck and craned up for a deeper kiss. Robbie's lips parted, and Julien slipped his tongue inside, making Robbie's cock jerk to attention, as he braced his hand on the back of the lounger and sank into the deliciousness that was all Julien. Bonjour, princesse." Bonjour, Jules. "

Ella Frank is the USA Today Bestselling author of the Temptation series, including Try, Take, and Trust and is the co-author of the fan-favorite contemporary romance, Sex Addict. Her Exquisite series has been praised as "scorching hot!" and "enticingly sexy!"
Some of her favorite authors include Tiffany Reisz, Kresley Cole, Riley Hart, J.R. Ward, Erika Wilde, Gena Showalter, and Carly Phillips.

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