Frozen Hearts #3 – Arctic Heat – Annabeth Albert (Lecture en VO)

Par Jessy @ParadisDLivres

Après deux attrayants opus il me tardait de savoir ce que l'autrice allait me réserver dans cette suite à venir. Et une fois de plus, je ne fus nullement déçue ! Je me suis régalée !

Avant d'aller plus loi, je tiens à préciser que bien que cela soit un troisième opus, cette belle histoire peut être indépendamment des autres.

Cette fois-ci nous allons faire connaissance de Quill & Owen. Un duo que tout oppose qui a su me agréablement toucher chacun à leur manière.

Le premier est un ranger solitaire et bourru. Une âme blessée qui n'a jamais pu se libérer de ses peurs. C'est pourquoi il a préféré s'isoler de tout et qu'il ne cherche en aucune manière une quelconque compagnie. Mais ce qu'il n'avait pas prévu c'est d'être coincé avec ce bénévole citadin qui éveille en lui des sentiments troublants.

L'autre est un mec déroutant qui est bien dans sa peau et qui sait ce qu'il veut. Et là ce qu'il veut c'est Quill. Et il est déterminé à abattre toutes les barrières de ce spécimen brut de coffrage. Il est vrai que par moment il peut se montrer envahissant surtout envers Quill. Mais bizarrement cela n'est nullement dérangeant. Car Owen fait parti de ce groupe de gens qui dégage ce petit quelque chose qui fait que l'on s'attache facilement à lui.

En bref... " Arctic Heat " est une délicieuse et émouvante histoire qui vous fera passer par une pléiade d'émotions vives. Une romance slow burn entre deux hommes touchants qui évolue tout en douceur mais qui est semé de pas mal d'embûches. La plume d'Annabeth Albert est toujours autant captivante ! Et je suis de plus en plus fan. Le petit plus et non pas des moindres ? Un décor époustouflant ! Je suis littéralement tombée amoureuse du côté brut et sauvage de l'Alaska. À découvrir pour les amateurs de ce genre...

Cards fluttered to the floor as Owen looped his arms around Quill's shoulders, pulled him closer. Unlike their first kiss, he seemed content to let Quill lead, let Quill plunder his mouth until they were both breathing hard.
"Oh, hello." He grinned up at Quill, and this would be the perfect moment to pull away, regain his sanity, but Quill didn't. Couldn't. Was rooted to the damn couch, awkward angle looming over Owen and all.
"Don't you dare apologize. If I said I was cold, would you warm me up?"
"How cold?" Quill, who didn't flirt, was doing a damn good approximation of it, voice still low and husky and the word no nowhere near his lips.
"Very." Owen pulled him down for another kiss, and Quill let himself slide that much closer to hell. And if he was going to be damned, if he was going to let go of professionalism for the sake of a kiss and try to fly instead of sticking to safe zones, then it was going to be a good kiss, one that let him taste as much of Owen as he'd been craving.
Slowing down from his initial attack, he took his time, exploring the curve of Owen's full lower lip, tongue detouring to trace his devastating dimples before seeking entry to his mouth. As their tongues tangled together, Owen hooked a leg around Quill's calf, urging him with his hands and legs to fall more completely on top of him.
"Fuck." Quill had to groan as their bodies met, torsos aligning, Owen wiggling about until their groins were rubbing right along with their tongues, a subtle rocking that mimicked the slow dance of their mouths. Quill might have not spent the past twenty years entirely celibate, but it had been so damn long since he'd made out like this, kissed and kissed with no end in sight, no end goal, that he felt like parched August earth, needing Owen like a garden needed rain, soaking up everything he had to give.

Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open-no flashlights required! When she's not adding to her keeper shelf, she's a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.

Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two children.

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